You and your Leader

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A Thought: Do you want to have the success that your leaders have? I know you DO! Are you willing to walk the same path they have walked, are you willing to sacrifice and endure the most unimaginable challenges? I know you DO, even though you do not realize yet neither cannot imagine how great the sacrifice your leaders have gone through or are going through is, you see the triumph and the results but yet do not see the tears and sweat. I assure you that the rewards are extraordinary, but I also assure you the sacrifice is extraordinary. So what do we want in this world to live a mediocre and conformist life or to live an extraordinary one? I know you want an extraordinary life.

On your way to Success, respect your leaders, and keep this in mind: whenever you invest an hour of your time in your future, they spend ten hours of theirs in yours; every time you shed a tear, they shed ten; when you fall, they have already fallen ten times for you, SO VALUE YOUR LEADERS! they are giving their lives and time for you, edify them , love them , defend them, and never spill words of anger, resentment or criticism at them, remember: you cannot even imagine the sacrifice they have gone through or are going through to be where they are at, at that place where their first priority is just you. Thank them with your love, trust and loyalty, respects their decisions and follow them with FAITH, and honored their presence and the dedication they give you every day.manos

A good leader never asks just gives, gives and gives: love, affection, loyalty, friendship, commitment and much more! Sow this kind of Leadership in others and you will reap the best of the leaders in you.


Guillermo Zuluaga

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